Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Peoples platform for the Peoples Party.
Puttin people and the environment as a top priority for current and future generations.

Stop welfare for unwed mothers.
Stop federally funded abortions.

Immigration reform
1)Build a border fence.

2)Stop all immigration for a minimum of 5 years to allow the number of job seekers already here, to find work. Tourism, visiting family, study programs, or business purposes are okay. But not to stay for extended periods or to live here. Those in study programs cannot receive gov’t aid while here.

If an American citizen marries someone in another country, they cannot bring that spouse to live here in America. Only those born on American soil, (From Parents who are both American citizens.) Or US territories like Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, etc. are considered American citizens. This also decreases the demand not only for the few available jobs, but also decreases demand on resources necessary to maintain current way of life.

While the fence is being built and immigration is halted, institute the following provisions.

Put military troops on border to patrol for violators coming across the border illegally.

Abolish amnesty for illegal aliens and require them to return to their native country.

Abolish the anchor baby provision.

Impose financial penalties or sanctions of companies that hire illegal aliens.

No free tuition for illegal aliens.

No free healthcare for illegal aliens or offspring born here.

No drivers licenses for illegal aliens.

No food stamps for illegal aliens.

Abolish sanctuary cities.

Deport and refuse reentry to the country to any first offender of any crime. Many illegal aliens who commit violent crimes have been deported at least once and allowed back into the country.

Give law enforcement the authority to check immigration status of any person they stop for traffic violation. If they are found to be illegal, they are to be arrested and deported.

The economy

Stimulate the economy to produce jobs by the following means:

Money shall be printed and issued only by the US treasury dept. Not the federal reserve. Slowly replace federal reserve (debt) notes with treasury certificates. Institute a program of replacing all worn out federal reserve notes with treasury certificates. Make these certificates legal tender.

Government shall have the authority to print money only for  healthcare costs, infrastructure investment, military (defense only) and education costs. This money will then go into general circulation into the rest of the economy. To discourage hording, put an expiration date on the money so those who use it will be forced to circulate it.

Give tax incentives to companies to hire people rather than automating. Abolish the depreciation allowance for machines and robots to discourage the investment in automation.
Make the collecting of interest illegal. This will stop the debt slavery of the nation and individuals. Private lenders can make loans based on a loan origination and maintenance fee which is part of the original loan amount. Example: If you borrow $10,000 you pay a 10% origination fee of $1000. This means your total payable amount for the loan is $11,000. No compound interest that greatly inflates the amount paid back.

Banks may invest in the stock or other markets but their investing activities must be separated from domestic banking functions. This protects the depositors and their money from bad investments.
Any excess money that the government ends up with at the end of the year shall be given to the American people.

All infrastructure like railroads, ports, airports, roads, bridges, etc. shall be owned and operated by the federal government. All private operators of planes, ships, trains, commercial trucks, shall pay a fee for use of the infrastructure. Private vehicles are exempt from the fee.

All private contractors must meet strict employment (hiring more people than machines) and environmental requirements.
All citizens 21 years of age or older shall receive a mandatory minimum income to keep body and soul together.

Make non interest bearing loans available to married couples for the women to stay home and have children. Make the payments on those non interest bearing loans payable in small installments. Institute debt forgiveness of 25% for each additional child born to a married couple.

Mandatory physical education requirements in the public schools. Health and fitness is essential to maintain health (and keep medical costs down)fitness, energy level, and clear thinking. School food must meet strict nutritional guidelines.

Stop all military insertion into other countries. They can be our allies in information exchange and trade. Bring all troops stationed overseas home to patrol borders and secure infrastructure. This will save billions of dollars on maintaining foreign operations and will be available to spend on domestic issues.

Require all citizens 18 or older to go through mandatory firearm  safety and use training and get government permit to own the firearm. They must go through a psychological and background check before taking the classes.

All oil, natural gas, coal, and other energy resource must first meet all domestic needs before any excess can be exported. This keeps jobs here, and lessens our dependence on foreign energy sources.

All energy companies must submit an environmental impact statement to the appropriate regulatory agency for review of processes. If any claims are made against the company for property or natural habitat damage, then the company will be fined and required to clean up the damage before commencing operations.

All able bodied person will be required to work. Only exceptions will be retired, and physically or mentally disabled. Physically disabled will be encouraged to do some volunteer work. All citizens must be productive contributors to the nation.

Give tax incentives for married women to stay home and have babies. This will increase the natural birth rate and put more workers into the system long term without the need for immigration.

Exact stiff penalties for companies that violate environmental regulations. Either stiff fines or the dissolution of the corporation and assets sold on the open market and proceeds paid to clean up damage. (Originally corporations were formed as temporary means to accomplish a corporate goal. Never meant to be perpetually existant with the status of person.

Make it illegal to give bonuses (of either, stock, cash, or cash equivalents) to executives in any year that layoffs are occurring in a company. Make the giving of bonuses to wall street executives illegal unless the people whose money they manage benefit. If a fund loses money, no bonuses should be given. If it makes money for all investors, then bonuses may be appropriate.

Give tax breaks for companies who bring foreign money back into the United States and spend it here. If a company closes its doors in the US, or opens another branch in another country, it must first sell all US assets and the proceeds given to the employees. It shall be prohibited from selling goods made abroad in the United States for a minimum of 5 years. This is to keep manufacturing jobs here, and protect workers when companies close up and move operations to another country.

Make it illegal for the government to borrow money for any reason. If they are printing their own there is no need.

Elections reform.

Public officials including the president are elected by popular vote only. No electoral votes or delegate nonsense. A one time national election for all eligible candidates. The total votes from each state are tallied and the candidate with the most votes wins.

Taxes will be levied as sales and excise taxes on goods and services. Food and health care will be exempt.

All corporations must pay corporate income taxes and sales taxes for sales of goods and services.

Non payment of or delinquent property taxes shall not result in the loss of the ownership of the property. The state may levy a monetary fine, but the ownership of the property shall not be in danger of forfeiture. This ensures that people with low income or unemployed workers shall not lose the place they live if they cant pay their property tax.

All education is free all the way to college level. Colleges are non profit and regulated by the government to keep costs down.

Marriage and divorce law

The abolishment of alimony payments after a divorce. The wife who divorces her husband is no longer entitled to any more of his income since she is no longer married to him. If any children were produced from the union, and the woman gets custody, the man must pay child support till the child reaches age 16. But women do not automatically get custody. If the man can show that he can provide for the children and educate them and has not been abusive, then he can get custody.

All divorced couple leave the marriage with the assets that they individually acquired before the marriage, or were personally acquired with personal money during the marriage. This does not apply to personal property but only to registered property like, cars, houses, boats,vehicles, bank accounts, etc. Those joint assets that were paid by both shall be split up. All debts are paid by the one who incurred them unless they are joint debts.

Legal marriage shall be defined as the joining of one man and one woman. It must be registered with the state in which they reside. If it is not registered, it is not a legal marriage and is not entitled to any of the benefits that may be given to married couples.